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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
"In fact, human beings do not see very well. The brain itself makes assumptions about what it is seeing, and can actually can change perceptions to fit its assumptions. You may be familiar with the so-called constancies, perceptual constancy, form constancy, and concept constancy. This means that the brain, which is always looking for easy ways to do things, makes quick assumptions about perceptio... posted on Jul 09 2023, 2,606 reads


Forests Need Its People to Survive
B. Siddan, known as the Birdman of Bokkapuram, has an expert knowledge of birds in his region of India. He enthusiastically shares his love of birds in this short video, proudly introducing them by name like the old friends that they have become after his many years of bird watching. One such bird friend, a spot-bellied eagle owl, looks down knowingly on him. In holistic conservation, which B. des... posted on Jul 08 2023, 1,175 reads


Excavating Ancestral Wisdom
"Stephen Lewis, a social catalyst of community transformation and healing, was shaped by the classroom and medicine making activities that existed within his grandparents' kitchen. Without a college education, Stephen's grandparents held degrees in the practice of hospitality, leadership formation, and business. They were wise elders, farmers, food alchemists, educators, and community healers who ... posted on Jul 07 2023, 1,215 reads


Instructions for Traveling West
"Somewhere in the middle of the pandemic, I started driving west. The instinct was as startling as it was insatiable. I lapped up skylines like honey after famine. Then came six weeks of climbing mountains, avoiding clients and swallowing as much sunshine as I could. One morning in the middle of Arizona, I sat down with my laptop. A desert hummingbird--its whole body, the shape of a shining comma,... posted on Jul 06 2023, 6,782 reads


Seasons of the Monastic Table
"'Remember the earth whose skin you are,' writes Joy Harjo, and there is literal truth to this. We are grown from the body of the Earth, we are made of it, and to it we return. Plants, bacteria, animals, fungi, humans: we all exist in relationship to each other and to a rotating and orbiting planet whose journey around the sun gives us waxing and waning light, seed sprouts and withering stems. Bei... posted on Jul 05 2023, 1,601 reads


The Cataclysm Sentence
"One day in 1961, the famous physicist Richard Feynman stepped in front of a Caltech lecture hall and posed this question to a group of undergraduate students: If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence was passed on to the next generation of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? Now, Feynman had an ans... posted on Jul 04 2023, 3,361 reads


Three Black Men: A Journey Into the Magical Otherwise
"We know that we're living in a critical time in human history. We know that we can no longer say, "It's not my responsibility." What is it that this time begs us to see? Tami Simon joins visionary leaders Bayo Akomolafe, Orland Bishop, and Resmaa Menakem for a compelling conversation about the intersection of past, present, and future and the creation of new rituals and pathways for healing, equi... posted on Jul 03 2023, 2,103 reads


Hermann Hesse on Breaking the Trance of Busyness
"We reflexively blame on the Internet our corrosive compulsion for doing at the cost of being, forgetting that every technology is a symptom and not, or at least not at first, a cause of our desires and pathologies. Our intentions are the basic infrastructure of our lives, out of which all of our inventions and actions arise. Any real relief from our self-inflicted maladies, therefore, must come n... posted on Jul 02 2023, 5,879 reads


Reemergence of Animate World Experiences
"To shift my own awareness toward a more-than-human perspective, I sometimes take a wooden flute outside and begin to play, offering simple music to pine and stone, offering gratitude to billions of ancestors from elements born in supernovas, to bacteria and trees, insects and trilobytes, to lineages of human ancestors both known and unknown. Offering wild prayers for all the beings who come afte... posted on Jul 01 2023, 2,359 reads


Food, Earth, Happiness
Everything about modern, industrial farming as a for-profit system is going in the opposite direction of natural farming which is about working in harmony with the earth and the seasons of life. Ultimately, this disconnection from nature leads to much of the unhappiness we find in modern culture. This film offers an alternative viewpoint for social and environmental justice that begins with how we... posted on Jun 30 2023, 1,307 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Technology can greatly assist human capability, but it cannot produce compassion.
Dalai Lama

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